> Speech
     > Soundscape

     > The Time Has Come 
     > La nuit
     > Technopoetics
     > Alter & Mezigue  

     > Black(s)totheFuture

> Dj set
     > Live Music

     > Listening Practices
     > Julius Eastman

- CV 

“ Activism is engaging in healing work. It means putting our hands in the dough and not merely thinking or talking about making tortillas. It means creating spaces and times for healing to happen, espacios y tiempos to nourish the soul . . . It’s frustrating when healing doesn’t happen immediately. Some of us choose to slow down the healing work or choose not to heal because we’ve become familiar and comfortable with our wounds. We may be afraid that our entire life will change if we heal. And it will . . . plunge your hands into the mess, plunge your hands en la masa, into embodied practical material spiritual political acts. ”
Gloria Anzaldúa

Les plantes pousseront
à travers le béton
Car plantes nous sommes
Et nos feuilles elles assomment
Nous planterons - Nous hanterons  
Sans enterrer - Nous serons

        Sachez que mon astre s'est égaré en ce jour le plus court de l'année


              still in silence  howling resistance



or the 

J’entends ruisseler sous ma chair ces eaux
Elles se font mers - Elles se font taire
Je me fais ruisseau dans ces os
Entre craquement là où nos chères
Entendent les sons comme un fardeau
Face aux souvenirs de nos mères
Qui se sont tout pris sur le dos



So I went back to the sea
to find life & energy
but I was sent to the sky
to be the rain for me to see

the Nile starts in my blood
But my real name ain’t Victoria
I am a spring called Mayanja
through egypt it goes as reminder of truth
To arrive in a new land
be reminded what we had lend
An identity, A futurity
So I’ll melt to become memory



As the resistance take shape
They chose to analyze society and fight and
do things better



Dans ce marché de planètes où l'ocean m'a déposé
la lumière de la pluie à inondé mon corps
Lui permettant d'atteindre phosphorescence
d'être muté en larme pour assurer sa descendance


 Do we live in a present where our spirits can ever last

                                                  Why can’t we remember our future if we can imagine our past


I heard the blues of all seas calling me there
In the heart of the Nowhere

I’ve seen deserts and mountains
questioned the skies and the seas
looking for it looking for you
looking for me
to find elsewhere in the he. she. we. want to be
This evidence - an Earth possibility


A défaut de pouvoir être
devra t-on se soumettre à paraitre ?

car à défaire les défauts
je me retrouve encore dans le faux

Hier encore         
j'ai attendu que le sol décide de mon sort        

                Feminism really comes from, like, the existence of resistance,
               the strength that comes from inequality , fearness and oppression


                         For the sake of the self - as the snake changed his skin to stay

So I’ll dedicate my life to keep saying what we have to say

Run through my veins.
Be the rivers of my lake.  
Eager to be.
We shall be.
We shall remain.
Staring in darkness.
Staying in blackness.

We shall be.
We shall see.
We shall remain.
We shall be.
Tell the story of our insides.
Still left aside. are See. king.
The stories of our insights
We are
We are